
The Commercial Dictionary of Trade Products: D (väriin liittyvät sanat)

The Commercial Dictionary of Trade Products, Manufacturing and Technical Terms: with a Definition of the Moneys, Weights, and Measures, of All Countries, Reduced to the British Standard.

By P. L. Simmonds, F.R.G.S., F.S.S., author of "The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom," "Waste products and Undeveloped Substances," "The Curiosities of Food," etc., etc.

A New Edition, Revised and Enlarged.

London: George Routledge and Sons, the Broadway, Ludgate;
New York: 416, Broome Street.

Dalim, darimba,
vernacular names in India for the pomegranate, large quantities of which are imported into the norht of India from Cabul and Cashmere. The rind on account of its great astringency is used in medicine, in tanning, and in dyeing yellow. The roots are considered a good vermifuge.

a valuable resin of two kinds, obtained in India, the white from the Valeria Indica and Shorea robusta, and the black from Canarium commune; a name sometimes given in Scotland to miner.

the art of altering the colour of any thing; injury or damage to walls or goods, &c.

a commercial name for the wrinkled pods of the Caesalpina coriaria, used in tanning.

the produce of Piscidia erythrina, a deciduous tree indigenour to the tropics; the bark of the roots is used as a narcotic to stupefy fish. The dogwood of America (Cornus florida) is used for inlaying by cabinet-makers; the bark is also an esteemed tonic, and used in the manufacture of ink and false quinine.

Dragon's Blood,
a resinous astringent extract, of a deep red colour, obtained from the fleshy fuits of the Calamus Draco, a plant of Sumatra and the Malay Islands. It is schiefly used as a colouring ingredient for spirit and turpentine varnishes and paints, for staining marble, preparing gold lacker, dentifrices, &c.

a mixture of copper and zinc, in the form of thin leaves or foil, in the proportion of eleven parts of copper to two of zinc. See Leaf Metal and Bronze-Powder.

a painter's yellow colour, obtained from the plant Reseda luteola.

a colour, stain, or tinge.

the process of colouring substances by immersion; the art of developing and extracting the colouring particles from any substance, and of uniting and fixing them afterwards upon cloth, stuff, or any other material.

one whose occupation is to dye fabrics, &c., and who practises the art of staining or colouring cloth.

Dyers' Company,
one of the livery companies of London, whose hall is situate in College-street, Dowgate-hill.

the Genista tinctoria, Reseda luetola, and Isatis tinctoria, native plants which are sometimes used by dyers.

Dye-saucer Maker,
a preparer of pink saucers and rouge colouring substances.

a Scotch name for a dyer.

a collective trade term for the dyewoods, lichens, powders and dye-cakes entering into commerce for dyeing and staining purposes.

various foreign woods, used by the dyer and stainer, usually cut and ground, to extract colours from.

----------------- Supplement

a name for Butea frondosa, which furnishes a dye and resin, &c.

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