
A New Supplement...: C. Carthamus tinctorius. Catechu. Cathartin. Ceratum coeruleum. Chalk for drawing. Chlorophyle. Chrome yellow. Cinnabar. Cocci. Court plaster. Crayons. Cud-bear.

A New Supplement to the latest Pharmacopoeias of London, Edinburgh, Dublin, and Paris, Forming A Complete Dispendatory, Conspectus, and Dictionary of Medical Chemistry, Giving All the Old and New Names, Including the New French and American Medicines, and Poisons; with Symptoms, Treatment, and Tests; as Well As Herbs, Drugs, Compounds, Veterinary Drugs, With the Pharmacopoia of the Vetenary College, Nostrums, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Varnishes, And similar articles kept in the Shops; With Their Compositions, Imitations, Adulterations, And Medicinal Uses, Being a General Book of Formulæ and Recipes For Daily Reference in the Laboratory and at the Counter.
Fourth edition, corrected, improved, and very much enlarged.
By James Rennie, M. A., Editor of the Quarterly Journal of Foreign Medicine; the Pharmacopeia Universalis; Author of a Conspectus of Prescriptions in Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery; the Pharmacopeia Imperialis, &c. &c.
London: Baldwin and Cradock. 1837.
London: Thomas Curson Hansard, Paternoster Row.

CARTHAMUS TINCTORIUS. Safflower or Bastard Saffron, the seeds and flowers of which are diuretic, cathartic, and aromatic. The flowers are the bases of vegetable rouge.

CATECHU. L. E. D. Catechu, or Japan Earth (Tera Japonica O.), an extract from the wood of the Acacia Catechu. It is very astringent, sweetish, and without smell. Incompatible with alkaline and metallic salts, and with gelatine. Medicinally it is employed to check diarrhoeas, dysentry, and hæmorrhages; also in relaxations, or atonic disorders of the primæ viæ, sponginess of the gums, &c. Dose, from gr. x to gr xx of the powder. It is also exhibited in form of tincture, infusion, and lozenge.

CATHARTIN. New. An alkaline substance found by MM. Lassaigne and Fenneulle in the pods and leaves of senna. It is solid, yellowish-brown, of a peculiar odour, and nauseously bitter. It is very soluble in all proportions in water and alcohol; but not at all in ether. On exposure to the air it becomes moist. Medicinally it has not yet been used.

CERATUM COERULEUM. Pharm. Leyd. Blue Cerate is made by takin z3iv of oxide of lead, which has been rendered white by rubbing it up alternately and gradually with vinegar and rose water, and melting it with z3iv of yellow wax, and Oss of olive oil, mixing the whole with z3iij of smalt.

CHALK FOR DRAWING is prepared by sawing into slips red or black chalk, and putting them into a pipkin with melted bees' wax, near a slow fire for half and hour; then take them out, and when they are cold they are fit for use.

CHLOROPHYLE. The green colouring matter of the leaves of plants.

CHROME YELLOW, used to paint gold colour, is prepared by heating a portion of chromate of iron with nitrate of potash, and mixing the ley with solution of diacetate of lead, forming chromate of lead, which, when good, will not effervesce with nitric acid.

CINNABAR. See HYDRARG. Bi-SULPH. L. It is a heavy mineral of a dark red colour, sometimes made artificially. In farriery it is given in half ounce doses in thickness-of-wind and coughs. Adulterated with red earths.

COCCI. Coccus Cacti. E. D. P. Cochineal, is the dried female insect, Coccus Cacti, a native of America. It has the appearance of a wrinkled seed of a dark mulberry tint, and is acrid, bitter, and astringent, with a slightly heavy smell. It is only used for colouring tinctures and making carmine. Incompatible with the sulphates of iron, zinc, and diacetate of lead, decompose the colour. Adulterated with paste formed in moulds, and tinged to resemble the genuine. This is detected by throwing a portion into water, when the dough will dissolve.

COURT PLASTER, or Black Sticking Plaster. Take z3ss of benzoin, and z3vj of rectified spirit, dissolve and strain; then take z3j of isinglass, and Oss of hot water, dissolve and strain separately from the former. Mix the two, and set them aside to cool, when a jelly will be formed; and this is warmed and brushed ten or twelve times over a piece of black silk, stretched smooth. When this is done enough, and dry, finish it with a solution of z3iv of Chian turpentine, in z3vj of tincture of benzoin.

CRAYONS, for drawing, are made by mixing a pint of boiling water with z3iij of spermaceti, lbj of finely-pulverised bone ashes, and as much of ochre or other colouring matter as may bring it to the required tint, roll the whole out into a paste, and cut it, when half dry, into pencils. Or, prepare the paste as before, and mix up with it fine clay, and evaporate on driers of plaster. Cochineal, and other pigments, are used to give the colours.

CUD-BEAR. A dye stuff procured from lichens. It is frequently adulterated, or rather imitated by Brazil-wood, mixed with stale urine, (HERMSTADT.)

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